Exceptional Excerpts

Exceptional Copyright © 2022 Chanel Felix

Chapter 1 Vanilla and ink

“Swirling in the achromatic background there are patterns of light and dark, shades of gray and hues of carotene. The shifting patterns at the center of the mosaic are more brilliant than at the eigengrau edges. She feels warmth and continues to chase the dynamic designs as they swirl, disappear, and reappear, everchanging. She opens her eyes to the bright sun and exhales.”

Chapter 3 Give me space

“In the night sky above the moon and billions of stars blazed away in the interstellar aether. It was quite a sight to behold as they both gazed up at the sky. Cadere had had so many storms lately that the galaxies in the sky had been hidden from view, causing Helia to feel weary and melancholy. Right now; however, she felt light and awestruck.”

Chapter 10 The feel of gravity

“Helia padded softly into the quiet room. In the corner as it was, the room wasn’t subjected to the noise created by the carer station and foot traffic that was ubiquitous on the rest of the Internals floor. She continued to the far bed situated near the bright window and gazed down at a sleeping Auric Cressida.

If someone were to ask Helia about this male, she would not be exaggerating to say he was the most beautiful being she had ever seen.”


